What is a cPanel
Control panel (cPanel) is included with all our web hosting packages. It is used to manage your files, databases, email, domain name, software installation and more.
How to Reset my cPanel Account Password
If you can access your cPanel account, follow these steps to reset your password:
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Preferences” section, click on “Password & Security” Icon.
3. Enter your old password.
4. Enter your new password or use a password generator.
5. Click on change password.
You will see a success message then it means your password is changed, Log out and access your account using your new password.
Note: If you forgot your cPanel password and are unable to access your account, please open a ticket with us.
Update your cPanel Contact Information
If you want to receive a notification on reaching your disk quota, bandwidth usage limit, reaching email disk quota or want to update your cPanel contact information, follow these steps.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Preferences” section, click on “Contact Information” Icon.
3. You should see an input box under the line that says “This is an email address at which the system can contact you. This should be an email address that is not on your account.” This should be an email address that is not on your account if you have one. Update your existing email address or add your secondary email address in the second email input box.
4. Click on the “Save” button.
How to Change Your cPanel Style/Theme?
Switching over to another cPanel theme with a different style is easy and there are two ways to do so.
First method: Paper Lantern Theme.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Preferences” section, click on the “Change Style” Icon.
3. You will see a lot of themes on the themes page. Just select the one you like and click on “Apply“.
Second method: Change the theme instantly (Retro X3 Theme Only)
1. We assume you are already logged into your cPanel account. In your cPanel account near the left side of the page, you should see a “Switch Theme” option with a drop-down menu.
2. Choose your favorite theme from the drop-down menu and it will apply automatically.
How to Change Language of your cPanel?
cPanel supports a lot of languages, and if you want to change your cPanel language to your native language, you should follow this tutorial.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Preferences” section, click on “Change Language” Icon.
3. From the cPanel Language Configuration Page, chose your language from the dropdown menu and then click on the “Change” button.
Your cPanel language has been successfully changed.
How to upload files via the cPanel FileManager?
If you don’t want to use a 3rd party FTP Software, you can use the cPanel’s inbuilt File Manager.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on the “File Manger” Icon.
3. cPanel File Manager will be open.
4. Navigate to the directory where you want to upload your files. For example, should you wish to upload your file to the public HTML folder, you need to go to /public_html first. On the left side, you can see a list of directories. Double Click on the “public_html” folder.
5. Now click on the “Upload” icon.
6. Click on the “Select File” button and select the file you want to upload from your PC. After you have selected the file, the upload process will begin automatically.
How to create a new folder or files in the cPanel File Manager?
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on the “File Manger” Icon.
3. cPanel File Manager will be open, select the appropriate domain name or folder location, and press the “Go” button.
4. Click on the “+ Folder” Icon.
5. In the “New Folder Name” field enter your folder name like “myfolder” (without the quotes). Then click on the “Create New Folder” button.
How to create a new file like myfile.txt?
1. Click on the “New File” Icon.
2. In the “New Filename Field” enter your filename like “MyFile.txt” (without the quotes). Then click on the “Create New File” button.
How to Edit a file in the cPanel File Manager?
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “File Manger” Icon.
3. cPanel File Manager will be open, select the appropriate domain name or folder location, and press the “Go” button.
4. Navigate to the directory where your file is located.
5. Right click on the file and then on “Edit” or “Code Edit” in the Context Menu.
6. If the small “Code Editor” window is open, click on the “Edit” button, which will open a new window with options you can edit.
7. Make changes to your file and then click on the “Save Changes” button.
How to Edit .htaccess File via the cPanel File Manager?
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “File Manger” Icon.
3. cPanel File Manager will be open, select the appropriate domain name or folder location, and press the “Go” button.
4. Navigate to the directory where your .htaccess file is located. If you want to edit the .htaccess file of your root directory, navigate to the public_html folder.
5. If the .htaccess file does not show, click on the “Settings” button in the File Manager. You can find the “Settings” button on the Right Side of the top menu. A new small window will open. Mark the “Show Hidden Files (Dotfiles)” option and click on the “Save” button. You will be able to see the .htaccess file. If it does not exist, create a new one.
5. Right click on the .htaccess file and then on “Edit” or “Code Edit” in the Context Menu.
6. If the small “Code Editor” window is open, click on the “Edit” button, which will open a new window with options you can edit.
7. Make changes to your .htaccess file and then click on the “Save Changes” button.
How to check disk usage of directory and bandwidth usage?
If you are receiving a disk space usage warning and don’t know which folder is using too much space from cPanel.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Files” section, click on “Disk Space Usage” Icon.
3. In the Disk Space Usage area, you can see which folder/directory is using too much space and you can even check the disk usage of MySQL.
How to check Bandwidth Usage?
1. In the “Metrics” section, click on “Bandwidth” Icon.
2. Now you can see bandwidth usage of your domain.
How to check the usage of bandwidth, email accounts, MySQL, etc from a single place?
1. Go to your cPanel’s main page.
2. On the left side of the cPanel, click on the “Statistics” icon. It will show the total bandwidth usage, MySQL, email account limit, etc.
How to create Cronjob via cPanel?
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Advanced” section, click on “Cron Jobs” Icon.
3. Under “Add New Cron Job“, click on the “Common Settings” dropdown menu and select an appropriate option such as “Once Per Day” or another suitable option.
4. Enter your cronjob PHP file location or the command you want to run in the Command field.
5. Click on the “Add New Cron Job” button.
How to Edit or Delete Cronjob via cPanel?
How to Edit Cronjob?
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Advanced” section, click on “Cron Jobs” Icon.
3. Scroll down to the end of the page and under “Current Cron Jobs“, locate your cronjob and then click on the “Edit” button.
4. Make appropriate changes and then click on the “Edit Line” button.
How to Delete Cronjob?
1. Under “Current Cron Jobs“, locate your cronjob and then click on “Delete” button
2. Under “Delete this cron job?” text, click the “Delete” button.
How to Update a Cronjob E-mail Address?
If you want to receive a cronjob error or notification, you can update your e-mail address from the cPanel’s Cronjob Page.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Advanced” section, click on “Cron Jobs” Icon.
3. Under “Cron Email” you should enter your full e-mail address in the text field.
4. Click on the “Update Email” Button.
How to change PHP version on your domain using cPanel?
Some software requires an older version of PHP like 5.6 while others ask for PHP7. If it happens, you need either of the versions, you can switch to it from cPanel.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Software” section, click on the “MultiPHP Manager” Icon.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, select your domain from the left side of the screen, and you will see an option “PHP Version” with a drop-down menu on the right side. Select the appropriate PHP version from it and click the Apply button.
If will take a few seconds, and then your PHP version will change to your selected version.
How to Reset the PHP Version to the Default Version, Using cPanel?
If you wish to reset the PHP version to the default version, follow these instructions:
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Software” section, click on the “MultiPHP Manager” Icon.
3. Scroll down to the end of the page, select your domain from the left side and you will see the option “PHP Version” with a drop-down on the right side. Select the “inherit” option from the drop-down menu and click the Apply button.
If will take a few seconds, after which your PHP version will reset to the default version.
How to Set the PHP Version per Domain, Using cPanel?
Do you have multiple domains and you wish to set the PHP version per domain? For example, you have the domains Example1 and Example2 and you want to set PHP7 on Example2 domain and PHP 5.6 on Example1. You will need to do this from the cPanel.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Software” section, click on the “MultiPHP Manager” Icon.
3. Scroll down to the end of page, select your domain from the left side and you will see the option “PHP Version” with a drop-down list on the right side. Select the appropriate PHP version from the drop-down menu and then click on Apply.
4. Now that you want to set PHP 5.6 on Example2, scroll down and select the example2 domain. Then set the PHP version to 5.6.
How to Set the PHP Version per Folder?
Do you have a single domain or wish to use different PHP versions per folder? Do you have an installed PHP 5.x software in a folder/blog and want to use a PHP 7.x instead? If so, you can do this using cPanel and the .htaccess file.
1. Log into your cPanel account.
2. In the “Software” section, click on the “MultiPHP Manager” icon.
3. Assume that we are new to this and the first thing we will need to do is to get the code generated by cPanel.
4. Scroll down to the end of the page, select your domain from the left side and you will see the option “PHP Version” with a drop-down list on the right side. Select the appropriate PHP version from the drop-down menu and click the Apply button.
5. Now open the /public_html/.htaccess file in the cPanel File Manager or in your FTP client and you will find the code generated by cPanel.
6. After you copy the code, you will wish to set the PHP version to version 7 in the folder/forum, which means you will need to create a .htaccess file in the folder /forum/ and paste the code which was generated in the previous step in it.
7. Congratulations, now your folder/forum uses PHP 7, and if you wish to set any other folder to use the same version of PHP as well, you will only need to copy the code from the .htaccess file and paste it into that folder.
Reset your PHP version from your main domain. If you wish to use a different PHP version on any folder, you will need to follow steps 5 and 6, generate the code, copy that code from /public_html/.htaccess and paste it into any folder where you wish to set your selected PHP version.
How to add an A Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
A Record is a DNS record and is used to point a domain or subdomain to an IP address. You can add “A Record” using the cPanel”s Zone Editor option.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on “A Record” and a small window will pop open. Enter the required details in it.
Name: Enter the name you wish to add, for example, add “blog” and the cPanel will automatically add a domain name like
Address: Enter the IP Address of the server.
Now click on the “Add an A Record” button.
If the record is added successfully, you will see a success message. The DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to add a MX Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages. You can add an “MX Record” using the cPanel”s Zone Editor option.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on the “MX Record” and a small window will open. Enter the required details in it.
Priority: The MX record you use for mail routing should have the lowest preference number, typically 0. You can use 0 for your mail routing record, and 10 for the record validating that you own your domain.
Destination: Enter the domain name of your Mail Exchange. If you use an external mail server, enter the domain name of the external mail server. Alternatively, if you use a local mail server, enter your local domain.
Now click the “Add an MX Record” button.
If the record is added successfully, you will see a success message. The DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to edit or remove MX Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?
You can edit or remove MX Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor which allows you to manage, remove or modify DNS records.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on “Manage” and the DNS records will be loaded on-page.
4. Locate MX Record you wish to edit or remove. Should you wish to edit an MX record, click the “Edit” option, modify the details and then click on “Save Record“. Removing a record can be done with the “Delete” option.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to add CNAME Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?
CNAME records are referred to as alias records since they map an alias to its canonical name. You can add “CNAME Record” using the cPanel Zone Editor option.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on “CNAME Record” and a small window will open. Enter the required details in it.
Name: Enter the name you wish to add, such as “www” and cPanel will automatically add a domain name like
CNAME: Enter the domain name.
Now click on the”Add a CNAME Record” button.
If the record is added successfully, you will see a success message. The DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to edit or remove CNAME Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?
You can edit or remove CNAME Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor which allows you to manage, remove or modify DNS records.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on “Manage” and the DNS records will be loaded on page.
4. Locate CNAME Record you wish to edit or remove. Should you wish to edit a CNAME record, click the “Edit” option, modify the details and then click on “Save Record“. Removing a record can be done with the “Delete” option.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to edit or remove a Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?
You can edit or remove a Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor which allows you to manage, remove or modify DNS records.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Zone Editor” Icon.
Under “Domains“, you can see many options below the “Actions” text.
3. Click on “Manage” and the DNS records will be loaded on-page.
4. Locate A Record you wish to edit or remove. Should you wish to edit a record, click the “Edit” option, modify the details and then click on “Save Record“. Removing a record can be done with the “Delete” option.
Note: It may take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
How to Create an Additional Web Disk Account in cPanel?
You can use cPanel login details to access your Web Disk. You can also create an additional account for accessing a specific directory on your account so that it can be useful for security purposes.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Files” section, click the “Web Disk” icon.
3. Under “Create an Additional Web Disk Account“, enter the details of the new account you wish to create.
Username: folderx
Password: Enter your new password or click the Password Generator button to generate a random password.
Directory: You can leave it blank but it will grant access to the entire directory. If you wish to allow access to only a specific folder, enter the folder location, such as public_html/folderx (the user will only able to access /folderx).
Permissions: Select your option.
Note: If you are using the Windows OS, you will need to mark “Enable Digest Authentication”. However, if the server has an SSL certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority and you are able to make an SSL connection over port 2078, you do not need to enable this.
4. Now click on the “Create” button and your new additional account will be created. You can use your new login details to access your Web Disk.
How to Access cPanel Web Disk?
You can use cPanel login details to access your Web Disk and it supports various operating systems such as Mobile OS and others.
1. Log into your cPanel account. (eg: )
2. In the “Files” section, click the “Web Disk” icon.
3. Under “Main Web Disk Account“, click on Configure Client Access.
4. Select your operating system from the drop-down menu and then click on “Download Configuration Script“.
5. Now open the downloaded script. It may take a few minutes before it prompts you for username and password. Enter your Web Disk or cPanel login details and you will be able to access your website files.
Note: If you are using the Windows OS and the server is not using an SSL, you will need to Enable Digest Authentication and port 2078 must be allowed in your computer”s firewall.
What is WordPress
WordPress is open-source software that initially was created to manage blogs. The term open-source software means the development of the code is open to any developer. It is not closed-source commercially driven software, but instead, free, open-source software that is a collaborative effort by developers to share knowledge and the development of technology.
- Development Costs are lower
- Constantly evolving technology
- Code-free editing
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Easy functionality additions
- Free
- Support is difficult to find
- Some technology conflicts with others
WordPress Installation
You can install WordPress using your cPanel, which is included in your purchase of an Envision Web Host hosting package. This install assumes that you purchased a web hosting package and have your domain name ready.
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Media Library
This tutorial will cover the fundamental functions of the WordPress media library.
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Content goes here.
Content Management System
What is a Domain Name?
Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.